Thursday, August 22, 2013

Launch Day - All Day

Launch day started early, around 8:30 am I think it was when the Truck
rolled into the parking lot and proceeded to align with the trailer.
In thought , Billy and I had figured that pulling out was no big deal,
We figured the big deal was getting in. (Calling to mind "a very Lucky Guess")
from almost the very beginning of the blog. What was to happen next would 
surely go down in history as one of my most head scratching moments ever.
Billy backed in and hooked up to the trailer , he and I are talking and
laughing in a very light hearted way as we begin to slowly creep the 
Fuelishness ever closer to the outside. As the windshield passed under the 
garage door opening the arch scraped the brackets that attach the 
garage door to the opener, I yelled to Billy to stop. 
I looked at the top of arch , the scratch was minor but the confusion was 
beginning to mount, because when the boat came in the arch was nowhere 
near the opener. The light heartedness of the moment began to fade away
and be replaced by two guys looking at the arch which is now almost 4 inches
higher than the door opening. Yes that's right 4 inches too tall. How does this
happen? This is the same doorway we came through months ago and all we did
was bend the rain deflector and shazam we were in. What to do - What to do???
I'm beginning to sweat (really) thinking maybe we will have to lift the boat and
drop the trailer bunks , but we don't really have that much clearance from the
boat to trailer fenders. What to Do??  What to Do??
I'm kinda staring at the arch and standing on the side of the boat with my head
right up by the top of garage door, I mean I'm eye balling the heck out of this 
problem , like staring at it is going to make it go away. 
Then I hear billy ask one of my shop techs if they have a valve core tool. 
The slow hiss of air from the rear tires seems to make no difference and I begin to 
contemplate how we are going lift this boat. Billy asks about the height, I say
no change. The air hiss now begins from the center tires , we wait, I watch and
after a few minutes of that staring thing , I think its working --- maybe.
I move away from the arch and look over the side to check on the tires and talk
to Billy for a moment, He tells me to check the arch again as the tires are getting
prety low. Once I get up there and  look I'm shocked because it looks like we are
with in an inch to an inch and a half of clearing. Now as I watch I slide my hand
up on top of the arch, we are for sure with in an inch or less. Billy stops the
air flow of the rear tires and we wait for the centers to catch up, and as they do
we now have the arch just level with the opening.
We need another inch to inch and a half to clear all of it.
The rush of air starts again and now I can see the arch move quickly down to a 
point that I'm sure we will clear. Billy now locks off the valves and starts up the truck.
Slowly we creept out  , getting under the door easily. Once the arch was out we stopped
and re-aired the tires. 

                                     This shure beat lifting the boat and dropping the bunks.

So into the daylight we now rolled, this was the first time  the Fuelishness has been in
the sun in almost 2 seasons. All the buffing and waxing that looked good inside the
building would now be put to the final test. I have worked under the shop lights and
proofed everything with a sun gun, but how would I do under the real sunlight ???

I pondered this question as I climbed down out of the boat , walked slightly away
and turned to find that my hard work had paid off -- Big Time !!!
The Fuelishness has never looked this good the entire time we owned her.


Next Up: Take me to the River


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