Thursday, May 23, 2013

The BerryCuda joins in

I have saved the term " Coming into the home stretch" for when I thought
it to be most appropriate and now would probably be that time.
It has taken so long to get here that at times I had wished to sound 
the "Home Stretch " charge just to breath life into the project. 
But to be most blunt I have become very frazzled as we head into the 
final phases. Leading up to now it was a slow change from one vendor
to the next and that makes it easy, especially when you are working with
the type of real professionals that we have encountered so far.
Last  post I promissed to upload some finished photos of the salon and I 
think these will speak for themselves.

Scotts work is really amazing his joints are lazer straight and detail 
work second to none.  I really have to share this concerning Scott, he
is one of the few people that I have had the pleasure of working with
who cleans and details as he goes, A trait that my dad drilled into my 
head at very young age. Dad explained to me that making your work 
perfect as you go results in a better more complete job and gives you an 
opportunity to see and inspect each area as you work , preventing you
from missing little things later during final inspection.

Remember the patterns hanging on the walls from my previous posts,
they are now  in pile on the floor --- DONE--- and --- DONE.

My final thoughts about VIP and Scotts part of this job. I have always
liked my boat and felt that it was a quality build, but the degree of  detail
and workmanship that Scott has put into my boat has really renewed my
decision to keep the Fuelishness for some time to come. My boat's cabin 
has a better look and feel than it ever did.
We are really looking forward to getting the cockpit seating installed.

I got news from my new friends in Chicago, Great Lakes Teak will be in
the house, "ware house" that is,  just after the holiday. Suzanne is really
excited about the flooring and truthfully so am I . The  flooring is a very
big change from what we had. 
This past weekend my drives were the subject of attention. We all know 
how shocking they looked coming out the river, and I'm sure we all now
know the importance of the continuity cables and the bonding systems put
in our boats from the factory and what happens when those systems are
not enabled. 
My good friend Dennis Berry aka "The BerryCuda" who is probably one
of the sharpest Mercury Techs in the business is in the drivers seat for 
getting the lower units back in shape for the season. To be fair these drives
are in pretty rough shape and it's going to take a pro like Dennis to get them
back in the groove.  

Here's the final phase of this project.

The cockpit and dash are going to be the first thing that you see when you
walk up to the boat , and also a place where the majority of time is spent
relaxing and entertaining. This to me is the real  "home stretch" with  flooring,
dash panels, sound and visual systems and of course new seating.  

Next Up : Setting the Stage Again

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