We selected Great Lakes Teak of Chicago to provide and install the
new decking. Suzanne and I really enjoyed our visit with them as they patterned
our new flooring. These guys were a hoot, lots of joking around and lighthearted
fun, but well experienced professionals at work always make it look fun and easy.
We are excited to see the end results.

This is a photo of Bill and his partner as they made the patterns.
I'm sure Bill is thrilled that I got his best side.
We made some last minute adjustments to the existing flooring to provide better
table placement and to make the table height adjustable . I removed the existing
table base and filled the hole. The inspection cover for the fuel tank sender is
positioned in the perfect spot so we will use that for our new base and table support.
Odd place for a table leg - Isn't it ??
This provides way better spacing and cleans up the floor area
I made a mounting ring out of aluminum and installed that in halves As the days pass we finish the final prep on the interior and setup a work area for
the upholstery people. And then out of the blue the UPS man is here and he has
a delivery of fabric for the headliner and walls. 66 yards to be exact, 2 very large
rolls that look even bigger mounted on the homemade stand.
This photo shows the homemade rack for dispensing the headliner material
on to the work table , you can see the patterns hanging on the wall waiting to be
transferred to new material and installed.
of the total number of patterns needed to do the Fuelishness.
Waiting on stuff has been the hardest part of this whole project. West Marine just
doesn't have everything I've needed so it has been a game of "find and ship" with
the added wrinkle of "wait" fused to the end. Found out that I'm pretty good at
"Finding and Shipping" but I really suck at "Waiting".
But the real payoff is when those delivery guys come calling, and dropping off
those "Little Boxes of Happiness". It's just like Christmas !!
Today was a landslide, UPS, and FEDEX were both here and now I have
A/C parts , a faucet, Vent Grilles, Door hardware, Light Tapes, Fuel Vents,
and Nav Lights. I now have plenty to do and hope it takes me until the next
shipment arrives to finish installing what I got today.
Suzanne took a call from the upholstery people today and she has not yet shared that
conversation with me , so I'll save that for next post.
Next Up : Setting the Stage
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